Now Booking Class of 2021 Senior Sessions
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Wednesday, July 08, 2020
By Moments Photography by Carrie, LLC

Hey there, Class of 2021, it’s time to book those Senior Sessions! 

Wondering when you should book your senior session? You are not alone! This is one of the most common questions. 

There is no right or wrong time or season to do them! Pick your favorite season or seasons to have your photos taken! If you love the winter season and enjoy the snow, winter fashions, like winter coats, sweaters, boots, and hats, then go for it! Book your session for the winter. I've had seniors get their photos in summer, fall, winter, spring and sometimes more than one season because they couldn't pick just one season! There is no wrong time to do your senior shoot. 

Try to book your session early just in case a session needs to be scheduled due to weather or other circumstances. Booking your session early will allow plenty of time for a makeup date. 


Book today! Summer and fall sessions are filling up fast! 

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