Business Headshot Session Sale/ Michigan Professional Photographer
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Thursday, March 14, 2019
By MP Studio, LLC

For a limited time our Mini In-Studio Business Headshot Sessions are 50% OFF!  That's a sale price of only $50!

6 Dates Only: April 1st, April 2nd, April 8th, April 11th, April 15th and April 16th

Professional head-shots are absolutely key in today's media driven environment.

Studies have shown that people form opinions in 7 seconds.  Like it or not, that's all you have and those 7 seconds when they see your business head-shot on your company's website, business cards a press release, LinkedIn or other social media sites.  Make the most of those 7 seconds and help form the opinion you want them to have with a great business head-shot.


Mini In-Studio Headshot Session

Specifically designed for those needing one great head shot.  It's quick, simple, and painless. There is time for one outfit against one backdrop. Shooting time is 15 minutes. Quick and Easy.


1 fully edited High-res JPEG download of your best photo, with print release. (Additional images $50 each).

You will have the opportunity to review your images in a private online gallery to select your best image/s, within 1-2 days of your session.

Final images will be retouched within 1-2 business days of selection notification.

Editing includes: Skin imperfections, dark circles , skin softening and teeth whitening.

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